Spring is here in full swing with the blossoms on the trees for all to enjoy. It inspires us as well as gets us out of the house a little more. As I am enjoying the warmer temperatures, so did my little dog, Brady. He saw a squirrel, jumped off the back porch and tore his CCL ligament in his back leg. I have been devoting time to getting him back up to speed so that has forced to me slow down just a little bit in my sewing room. Family first they say, and our dogs are certainly a part of ours.
Brady showcases my latest finished project of a table runner using loads of half square triangles. I always use triangle paper and at the shop we carry Triangles on a Roll. Using foundation paper greatly increases the perfection of your blocks. Along with triangle paper we also carry various foundation paper to make life in your sewing room easier.
Take time to enjoy the warmer weather as well as letting it inspire you with all the colour that comes with springtime.
As always, thank you for your support,
Keep sewing, keep stitching